How to Come up with Great Blog Content

When starting a new blog or improving an already existing one, it is important to create high-quality content that is engaging and will keep your audience repeatedly coming back for more. The blog content strategy that you use should help build your audience while creating valuable content for them to read. So, how do you write quality content for a blog?

Here are some pointers on how to create a blog content strategy.

Identify what you love to write about

The first thing you need to consider when coming up with your blog content strategy is what you actually enjoy writing about. One way to figure this out is to identify what you enjoy reading about. Make a list of interests that you have that may be enjoyed by many other people. Consider your hobbies. Consider your roles in life. Think about the jobs you have had in the past. All of these can factor into how you will go about creating content for a blog.

Running a blog can be very rewarding. It can also be an enormous time commitment. If you choose a topic that you are not passionate about, creating content for your blog consistently is going to be tough. Choose a topic that you think about often. If coming up with ideas for blog posts seem difficult, think how hard it is going to be to write the content. If you spend a lot of time with a specific community, that may be all the inspiration you need. Whatever you choose to create content about, you need to make sure it is something that you enjoy reading about and like to write about.

Find your Niche

There are thousands of blogs out there. They are all fighting for a piece of the internet where they can create content that will attract readers. It is impossible to compete with all of the other blogs that take up space on the world wide web. That is why it is important to identify your niche and only create content that serves that audience.

A niche is a specialized topic that you exist in. As a writer, creating content for a blog that fits in a niche can seem repetitive. That is why you need to find a niche that you enjoy. Finding a specific topic to structure your blog around will help you create a site with clear expectations. When they visit your blog, your audience will know exactly what to expect. This is important if you are looking for a committed audience that will keep coming back to read your content.

You should also try to find an underserved niche. If you try to enter a niche that already has several blogs that serve that audience, it may be more difficult to build and sustain an audience. Entering a niche with only a few competitors and improving on the community as a whole will gain you more views. Entering an underserved space is the best way to get long-term repeat views on your blog content.

Find your Blog’s Purpose and Voice

When creating content for a blog, it is important to understand the purpose of the blog you are writing for. What is your blog post trying to do? Blog posts can be used in a variety of content strategies for many reasons. If your blog has a specific goal, great content is going to serve that purpose. Maybe your content is being used to help sell a service or product. It may be used to drive up engagement on your site. Your posts may be to actually tell a story, give an opinion, or share information. Whatever the purpose of your blog, the content you create needs to work towards that purpose.

How you say things in your blog content is just as important as what you say. The best blogs on the internet retain traffic by present content in an enjoyable way. Your voice as a content writer needs to be distinct and consistent. You want your audience like they are hearing from someone they know. You want to engage them as they read your posts. Try being funny and unique. Adding personality into your content is a great way to build relationships with your audience that will keep them coming back for more.

The voice of your writing needs to match the content that you post. If you are writing a lifestyle blog, it is okay to write with humor and personality. If you are writing a blog that is trying to share important information or give serious advice, you need to write in a voice of authority. Your blog content and the way that it is presented need to be consistent so that you can build a returning audience.

Find a Few Keywords

Identifying a few keywords that are popular within your niche can provide an endless amount of inspiration when creating a blog content strategy. SEO keywords can make it easier for people to find your posts so it is a good idea to include them in your content. Keywords can be a great tool when brainstorming content. When you find a keyword that is searched often, consider brainstorming how you can fit the keyword into a high-quality post. Your writing should not solely focus on that keyword, but instead should create real and interesting content about that word or phrase. Keywords should only act as tools to increase your visibility. They should not fully dictate the things you write about.

Keywords are also a great way to get to know your audience. Finding the words that they are searching for is a good way to see what they want. Once you see what your audience is looking for, you can give it to them. Having a good understanding of who your audience is will help you create blog content that they will continually want to see.

Keywords can be especially important in a b2b blog content strategy or with any content that is trying to help sell a product or service. Keywords help reach people who are closer to converting into a sale. If they are searching for something, they are more likely to be ready to buy that thing. Keep this in mind when writing promotional content around keywords. In this scenario, your blog content can be the final push a possible customer needs to convert. If keywords help draw possible buyers in, your content should be what convinces them to buy.

Create an easily Consumable Structure

The way that you structure the information in your blog post is important. You want your audience to gain value from your post with the smallest amount of effort on their part. Large walls of texts tend to turn your audience away. Smaller and more consumable paragraphs are easy to read and engage with quickly.

Adding sub-headers to each section is a great way to organize your writing. Not only will it break up the text and make it easier for your audience to engage with, but it will serve as a rough outline that can assist you in writing the piece. Your subtitles should be informative and engaging. If someone is scrolling through your post, you want them to stop at a subheader and be so interested that they have to slow down and read. Sub-headers can help keep your writing on track. It is an easy way to organize your thoughts so you can write clear and concise content that your audience will love. Sub-headers are not possible in every piece of content, but when they can be used, they should be.

Take A Survey of your Competitors

If you have blogs that you know you are competing within your niche, see what they are doing. Take a look at their content and see what is working and what is not. Note which posts receive the most engagement and which ones flop. See what topics they have covered and try to identify a hole that you can fill. If they write content that you enjoy, think about how you can enter the conversation in your own content. Find ways to improve the content that is available to your audience.

Of course, you should never steal content from another blog. Using similar titles and ideas will lose your credibility with your audience. Using other blogs in your niche to inspire your topics is completely acceptable. Always make sure that you are adding value to the ideas that you find. You never want to say the same thing that your competitor said differently. You need to find a way to optimize your post on that topic so it becomes the go-to source for your audience.


Your blog content is going to be great if you write about things you are passionate about. You need to identify where you fit in the vastness of the internet and do everything you can to build an audience. People are looking for blog content that they can trust. If you create content that reaches your audience, they will continue to come back for more and help your blog grow. Remember, at the end of the day you need to create blog content that you are proud of. Content that you enjoyed writing. Content that anyone in your community can start a conversation with. That is the key to creating high-quality blog content.

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